Nestled in the heart of the capital city, Pretoria, the Yeshiva LeRabbonus is an anchor of Torah learning and Hafotza.
With an eye on teaching how to learn Halocha and inspire a love and thirst for such learning, the goal is for Bochrim to learn בעיון the relevant סוגיות, ensuring a wholesome understanding of the material and the correct way to approach פסק הלכה.
Our dedicated and committed staff ensure that any student committed to learning will grow immensely over the course of the year and will have a clear understanding of all that is learnt.
Our Yeshiva also involves a level of Shlichus and Hafotza as it is part of a community that has benefitted greatly from such activities. With opportunities for involvement in practical Rabbinics and testing being done by means of practical application of the material learnt, Bochrim are guaranteed a year of great learning and outstanding growth.